Basic Syntax in C++

C++ tutorial - Number data types:

   This int keyword is used to declare integers, whole numbers either positive or negative. Most of the compilers treat this with a size of 2 bytes. i.e.,integer of 16 bits length. The following statement shows how the variables of int type are declared.

     int var1;
     int var11 = 10; //Initialization for c++ tutorial

   This long keyword is used for declaring longer numbers. i.e, numbers of length 32 bits.
   This keyword float is used to declare floating point decimal numbers. A sample declaration would be,

         float var2; //Sample declaration for float
C++ tutorial - char data types:

   This keyword is used to declare characters. The size of each character is 8 bits. i.e., 1 byte. The characters that can be used with this data type are ASCII characters.

   This is not a basic data type with C++. Instead array of the char data type should be used for a string variable.

     char strvar1[200];
     char strvar2[]="string can also be initialized like this for the C++ Tutorial";

   Otherwise the string class provided in Standard Template Library can also be used.

   There are some more obscure types too. For example, date. In C++ we cannot use date type right away. This has to be converted to a string or integer for outputs etc., Also, this data type is not available with all compilers. As of now, all of the windows C++ compilers provide this type. We'll deal with this date separately in another C++Tutorial.
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